Live Binding
Live binding refers to templates which update themselves when their state or data changes. can-stache templates are able to listen to observables (like can-define/map/map, can-define/list/list, and can-compute) changing and update the page to reflect those changes.
Live binding lets you focus on changing data and state without having to worry about also updating the DOM to reflect those changes.
In this example, we have a simple user welcome screen.
<h1>Welcome {{user}}!</h1>
You have {{messages}} new messages.
You no messages.
var data = new DefineMap({
user: 'Tina Fey',
messages: 0
var template = stache( document.getElementById("template").innerHTML );
var frag = template( data );
document.body.appendChild( frag );
The template evaluates the messages
and adds the hooks for live binding automatically.
Since we have no message it will render:
<h1>Welcome Tina Fey!</h1>
<p>You no messages.</p>
Now say we have a request that updates
the messages
attribute to have 5
data.message = 5;
After the template receives this update, it will automatically update the paragraph tag to reflect the new value.
<p>You have 5 new message.</p>
For more information visit the can-define/map/map documentation.
Binding between components
If you are looking for information on bindings between components like this:
on:event="key()" for event binding.
prop:from="key" for one-way binding to a child.
prop:to="key" for one-way binding to a parent.
prop:bind="key" for two-way binding.
See can-stache-bindings.