Get a list of data from an NDJSON service endpoint.
ndjsonStream( baseConnection )
Overwrites the getListData and
[can-connect/constructor.hydrateList] methods on the can-connect base connection to enable NDJSON streaming using
s. Falls back to default baseConnection
in browsers that do not support Fetch
and ReadableStream
In this example, we will connect a DefineMap
model to an
NDJSON stream service. If you prefer to use a non-CanJS type, skip step 1 and
modify the behaviors in step 2 (can/map in particular)
to suit your data structure.
Follow these steps to get started:
1. Define a model.
const DefineList = require("can-define/list/list");
const DefineMap = require("can-define/map/map");
// Define model
const Todo = DefineMap.extend("Todo", {id: "number", name: "string"});
Todo.List = DefineList.extend("TodoList", {"#": Todo});
2. Include the required behaviors.
These four behaviors are the minumum required behaviors if you choose to use
s and DefineList
s for
the model layer. can-connect
is flexible and can be used with any array-like
//Define required behaviors, including can-connect-ndjson
const behaviors = [
require("can-connect-ndjson") //require NDJSON behavior
3.Create can-connect
Link can-connect
to the model by attaching a connection object. The connection
object is created by calling connect
with the behaviors and options. You may
need to pass an NDJSON-specific endpoint option if the backend serves NDJSON
from a different URL.
const connect = require("can-connect");
// Create connection and pass the optional NDJSON API endpoint
Todo.connection = connect(behaviors, {
Map: Todo,
List: Todo.List,
url: "/other/endpoint",
ndjson: "/api" //declare the NDJSON API endpoint here
4. Use the can-connect
methods on the model.
now uses a ReadableStream
response behind the scenes. NDJSON lines read from the stream will be pushed
into the list instance as JavaScript objects.
let todoListPromise = Todo.getList({});
The todoListPromise
will return the list as soon as the streaming response
starts. At that time the list is usually empty since the response has just
begun. Afterwards, as JSON lines are streamed from the response, instances are
created from each line and added to the list, one at a time.
If using the raw data below, each Todo
instance in the list will contain the
properties from a line, eg. {"name":"first", "id": 1}
//NDJSON raw data example
{"name":"first", "id": 1}\n
{"name":"second", "id": 2}\n
{"name":"third", "id": 3}\n
{"name":"fourth", "id": 4}\n
5. Use the model with a template.
Use can-stache
or your favorite live-binding template language to attach your
data to the DOM.
const stache = require("can-stache");
const template = stache("<ul>{{#each todos}}<li>{{name}}</li>{{/each}}</ul>");
todoListPromise.then(list => {
document.body.append(template({todos: list});
Though the list is initially empty, the template will update with new li
each time the list is updated with a newly streamed line.
All together
We use our ndjsonStream
behavior to enable our model to work seamlessly with
a stream of NDJSON, which it will parse into an array of JS objects.
- you must pass the
behavior - if no
option is passed, the endpoint accessed bygetListData
will default to theurl
const connect = require("can-connect");
const DefineList = require("can-define/list/list");
const DefineMap = require("can-define/map/map");
const stache = require("can-stache");
//Define template
const template = stache("<ul>{{#each todos}}<li>{{name}}</li>{{/each}}</ul>");
// Define model
const Todo = DefineMap.extend("Todo", {id: "number", name: "string"});
Todo.List = DefineList.extend("TodoList", {"#": Todo});
//Define required behaviors, including can-connect-ndjson
const behaviors = [
require("can-connect-ndjson") //require NDJSON behavior
// Create connection and pass the NDJSON API endpoint
Todo.connection = connect(behaviors, {
Map: Todo,
List: Todo.List,
url: "/other/endpoint",
ndjson: "/api" //declare the NDJSON API endpoint here
let todoListPromise = Todo.getList({});
todoListPromise.then(list => {
document.body.append(template({todos: list});
Fallback for browsers without fetch
and stream
In browsers that don't support fetch
and streams
, this module will fall back to the baseConnection
configuration. The baseConnection
and will do a GET
request to the url
endpoint and expects to receive JSON data.
Note: the stream state properties such as streamError
or isStreaming
are not available when falling back.
Try out the demo to see how to works.
Using fetch
with NDJSON and ReadableStreams
Learn more about using the fetch API
with NDJSON and ReadableStreams
Parsing a stream of NDJSON to a stream of JS Objects
Learn about how we parse the NDJSON stream into a ReadableStream of JS objects using can-ndjson-stream
Creating an NDJSON service using Express
Checkout this tutorial or the can-ndjson-stream
module documentation.