Registered callbacks for behaviors
Allows registering callback functions that will be called when tags and attributes are rendered in can-view-target.
Registering tags
callbacks.tag allows you to register a tag that custom behavior will be attached to.
This will style elements using the blue-el tag with a blue background.
var callbacks = require("can-view-callbacks");
callbacks.tag("blue-el", function(el){ = "blue";
<blue-el><p>Some content with a blue background, gross!</p></blue-el>
Registering attributes
Similarly you can register a callback for an attribute. Here we are using a regular expression to match an attribute that starts with foo-
callbacks.attr(/foo-[\w\.]+/, function(el, attrData){
// Get the part after foo-
var attrValue = attrData.attributeName.substr(4);
// Set it's content
el.textContent = attrValue;
So that:
<div foo-bar></div>
Renders as:
<div foo-bar>bar</div>