Create an observable object.
Create an observable object that acts as a proxy for a target object.
var stache = require("can-stache");
var dog = observe({});
var frag = stache("<p>dog's name is {{name}}</p>")(dog);
document.body.appendChild(frag); = 'Wilbur'; // -> "<p>dog's name is Wilbur</p>" on the document body
- target
:The object from which an observable instance is created.
A proxy for the target object.
Using can-observe
allows you to create observable objects where any property added is immediately observable, including nested objects. This makes can-observe
ideal for use-cases where the data may be dynamic, or where the more rigid approach of can-define is unneeded.
To use can-observe
call the observe()
method with an object. This will return a Proxy object where any changes will reflect back on the target object. Nested objects will be observed lazily when they are accessed or set dynamically after initialization on a can-observe
proxy object.
To listen for changes on a property, use canReflect.onKeyValue. Pass the handler as the third argument which will be triggered when a new value is set on the proxy. In the example below, updating
to "Wilbur"
will trigger the callback that will console.log
the new value "Wilbur"
var canReflect = require("can-reflect");
var dog = observe({});
canReflect.onKeyValue(dog, 'name', function(newVal){
console.log(newVal); //-> "Wilbur"
}); = "Wilbur";
can be combined with any other CanJS observable type, like can-define or can-compute. In this example we create a compute that changes when a can-observe proxy changes. Note that with computes we use canReflect.onValue to set up the event listener and handler.
var compute = require("can-compute");
var observe = require("can-observe");
var canReflect = require("can-reflect");
var person = observe({});
var fullName = compute(function(){
return person.first + " " + person.last;
fullName.on("change", function(ev, newVal){
console.log(newVal); // -> Chasen Le Hara
person.first = "Chasen";
person.last = "Le Hara";
Nested Objects
Any Object property in a can-observe
will be replaced with a can-observe
observed Proxy on read or write. This allows deep path traversal in objects, with observable changes all along the way.
var observe = require("can-observe");
var name = { first: "Justin", last: "Meyer" };
var person = {
name: name
var observed = observe(person);
observed; // -> observed is a Proxy;; // -> also a Proxy; // -> this is a plain object instead
observed.address = { city: "Chicago" }; // this gets proxified on set, so...
person.address // -> this is a Proxy
ES6 Classes
is specifically designed to work with ES6 classes. To make view models for your can-components from ES6 classes, only a few lines of constructor code are necessary:
import observe from ("can-observe");
import canComponent from ("can-component");
import stache from ("can-stache")
class WidgetViewModel {
constructor(obj) {
// view model instances receive properties as an object on instantiation
Object.assign(this, obj);
return observe(this);
get fixedMessage() {
return "Hello"
// ... more static and prototype functions.
tag: "my-widget",
view: stache("<p>{{fixedMessage}}, {{messageFromParent}}</p>"),
ViewModel: WidgetViewModel
<my-widget messageFromParent:from="'world'" />
<!-- above tag will contain "<p>Hello, world!</p>" on render -->
Browser support
can-observe uses the Proxy feature of JavaScript to observe arbitrary properties. Proxies are available in all modern browsers.
A polyfill is available that brings Proxies back to IE9, with the caveat that only existing properties on the target object can be observed. This means this code:
var person = observe({first: '', last: ''});
The first and last properties are observable in older browsers, but any other property added would not be. To ensure maximum compatibility make sure to give all properties a default value.