The best, most hardened and generally useful libraries in CanJS.
CanJS’s core libraries are the best, most hardened and generally useful modules.
Each module is part of an independent package, so you
should install the ones you use directly:
npm install can-component can-compute can-connect can-define can-route can-route-pushstate can-set can-stache can-stache-bindings --save
Let’s explore each module a bit more.
can-computes represent an observable value. A compute can contain its own value and notify listeners of changes like:
var compute = require("can-compute");
var name = compute("Justin");
// read the value
name() //-> "Justin"
name.on("change", function(ev, newVal, oldVal){
newVal //-> "Matthew"
oldVal //-> "Justin"
More commonly, a compute derives its value from other observables. The following
compute derives its value from a person
map, hobbies
list, and age
var DefineMap = require("can-define/map/map"),
DefineList = require("can-define/list/list"),
compute = require("can-compute");
var person = new DefineMap({first: "Justin", last: "Meyer"}),
hobbies = new DefineList(["js","bball"]),
age = compute(33);
var info = compute(function(){
return person.first +" "+ person.last+ " is "+age()+
"and like "+hobbies.join(", ")+".";
info() //-> "Justin Meyer is 33 and likes js, bball."
info.on("change", function(ev, newVal){
newVal //-> "Justin Meyer is 33 and likes js."
can-define/map/map and can-define/list/list allow you to create observable
maps and lists with well-defined properties. You can
define a property’s type initial value, enumerability, getter-setters and much more.
For example, you can define the behavior of a Todo
type and a TodoList
type as follows:
var DefineMap = require("can-define/map/map");
var DefineList = require("can-define/list/list");
var Todo = DefineMap.extend({ // A todo has a:
name: "string", // .name that’s a string
complete: { // .complete that’s
type: "boolean", // a boolean
value: false // initialized to false
dueDate: "date", // .dueDate that’s a date
get isPastDue(){ // .pastDue that returns if the
return new Date() > this.dueDate; // dueDate is before now
toggleComplete: function(){ // .toggleComplete method that
this.complete = !this.complete; // changes .complete
var TodoList = DefineList.extend({ // A list of todos:
"#": Todo, // has numeric properties
// as todos
get completeCount(){ // has .completeCount that
return this.filter("complete") // returns # of
.length; // complete todos
This allows you to create a Todo, read its properties, and call back its methods like:
var dishes = new Todo({
name: "do dishes",
// due yesterday
dueDate: new Date() - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24
}); //-> "do dishes"
dishes.isPastDue //-> true
dishes.complete //-> false
dishes.complete //-> true
And it allows you to create a TodoList
, access its items and properties
var todos = new TodoList( dishes, {name: "mow lawn", dueDate: new Date()});
todos.length //-> 2
todos[0].complete //-> true
todos.completeCount //-> 1
These observables provide the foundation for data connection (models), view-models and even routing in your application.
can-set models a service layer’s behavior as a set.Algebra. Once modeled, other libraries such as can-connect or can-fixture can add a host of functionality like: real-time behavior, performance optimizations, and simulated service layers.
A todosAlgebra
set algebra for a GET /api/todos
service might look like:
var set = require("can-set");
var todosAlgebra = new set.Algebra(
// specify the unique identifier property on data"_id"),
// specify that completed can be true, false or undefined
// specify the property that controls sorting
This assumes that the service:
- Returns data where the unique property name is
:GET /api/todos -> [{_id: 1, name: "mow lawn", complete: true}, {_id: 2, name: "do dishes", complete: false}, ...]
- Can filter by a
property:GET /api/todos?complete=false -> [{_id: 2, name: "do dishes", complete: false}, ...]
- Sorts by an
property:GET /api/todos?orderBy=name -> [{_id: 2, name: "do dishes", complete: false}, {_id: 1, name: "mow lawn", complete: true}]
In the next section will use todoAlgebra
to build a model with can-connect.
can-connect connects a data type, typically a DefineMap
and its DefineList
to a service layer. This is often done via the
can-connect/can/base-map/base-map module which bundles many common behaviors
into a single api:
var baseMap = require("can-connect/can/base-map/base-map"),
DefineMap = require("can-define/map/map"),
DefineList = require("can-define/list/list"),
set = require("can-set");
var Todo = DefineMap.extend({
var TodosList = DefineMap.extend({
"#": Todo,
var todosAlgebra = new set.Algebra({
var connection = baseMap({
url: "/api/todos",
Map: Todo,
List: TodoList,
algebra: todosAlgebra,
name: "todo"
extends the Map
type, in this case, Todo
, with
the ability to make requests to the service layer.
- Get a list of Todos
Todo.getList({complete: true}).then(function(todos){})
- Get a single Todo
Todo.get({_id: 6}).then(function(todo){})
- Create a Todo
var todo = new Todo({name: "do dishes", complete: false}){})
- Update an already created Todo
todo.complete = true;{})
- Delete a Todo
can-connect is also middleware, so custom connections can be assembled too:
var base = require("can-connect/base/base");
var dataUrl = require("can-connect/data-url/data-url");
var constructor = require("can-connect/constructor/constructor");
var map = require("can-connect/can/map/map");
var options = {
url: "/api/todos",
Map: Todo,
List: TodoList,
algebra: todosAlgebra,
name: "todo"
var connection = map(constructor(dataUrl(base(options))));
can-stache provides live binding mustache and handlebars syntax. While
templates should typically be loaded with a module loader like steal-stache,
you can create a template programmatically that lists out todos within a
promise loaded from Todo.getList
var stache = require("can-stache");
// Creates a template
var template = stache(
"{{#if todos.isPending}}<li>Loading…</li>{{/if}}"+
"{{#if todos.isResolved}}"+
"{{#each todos.value}}"+
"<li class='{{#complete}}complete{{/complete}}'>{{name}}</li>"+
"<li>No todos</li>"+
// Calls the template with some data
var frag = template({
todos: Todo.getList({})
// Inserts the result into the page
can-stache templates use magic tags like {{}}
to control what
content is rendered. The most common forms of those magic tags are:
- {{key}} - Insert the value at
in the page. Ifkey
is a function or helper, run it and insert the result. - {{#key}}...{{/key}} - Render the content between magic tags based on some criteria.
can-stache templates return document fragments that update whenever their source data changes.
can-component creates custom elements with unit-testable view models. It combines a view model created by can-define/map/map with a template created by can-stache.
var Component = require("can-component");
var DefineMap = require("can-define/map/map");
var stache = require("can-stache");
// Defines the todos-list view model
var TodosListVM = DefineMap.extend({
// An initial value that is a promise containing the
// list of all todos.
todos: {
value: function(){
return Todo.getList({});
// A method that toggles a todo’s complete property
// and updates the todo on the server.
toggleComplete: function(todo){
todo.complete = !todo.complete;;
tag: "todos-list",
ViewModel: TodosVM,
view: stache(
"{{#if todos.isPending}}<li>Loading…</li>{{/if}}"+
"{{#if todos.isResolved}}"+
"{{#each todos.value}}"+
"<li on:click='toggleComplete(.)'"+
"<li>No todos</li>"+
can-stache-bindings provides custom attributes for can-stache event and data bindings.
Bindings look like:
for event binding.prop:from="key"
for one-way binding to a child.prop:to="key"
for one-way binding to a parent.prop:bind="key"
for two-way binding.
Event binding examples:
<!-- calls `toggleComplete` when the li is clicked -->
<li on:click="toggleComplete(.)"/>
<!-- calls `resetData` when cancel is dispatched on `my-modal`’s view model -->
<my-modal on:cancel="resetData()"/>
One-way to child examples:
<!-- updates input’s `checked` property with the value of complete -->
<input type="checkbox" checked:from="complete"/>
<!-- updates `todo-lists`’s `todos` property with the result of `getTodos`-->
<todos-list todos:from="getTodos(complete=true)"/>
One-way to parent examples:
<!-- updates `complete` with input’s `checked` property -->
<input type="checkbox" checked:to="complete"/>
<!-- updates `todosList` with `todo-lists`’s `todos` property -->
<todos-list todos:to="todosList"/>
Two-way examples:
<!-- Updates the input’s `value` with `name` and vice versa -->
<input type="text" value:bind="name"/>
<!-- Updates `date-picker`’s `date` with `dueDate` and vice versa -->
<date-picker date:bind="dueDate"/>
can-route and can-route-pushstate
can-route connects a DefineMap
’s properties to values in the
url. Create a map type, [canjs/doc/ connect it to the url], and begin routing like:
var route = require("can-route");
var DefineMap = require("can-define/map/map");
var AppViewModel = DefineMap.extend({
seal: false
// Sets the default type to string
"#": "string",
todoId: "string",
todo: {
get: function(){
if(this.todoId) {
return Todo.get({_id: this.todoId})
var appViewModel = new AppViewModel();;
When the url changes, to something like #!&todoId=5
, so will the
’s todoId
and todo
appViewModel.todoId //-> "5"
appViewModel.todo //-> Promise<Todo>
Similarly, if appViewModel
’s todoId
is set like:
appViewModel.todoId = 6;
The hash will be updated:
window.location.hash //-> "#!&todoId=6"
The route
function can be used to specify pretty routing rules that
translate property changes to a url and a url to property changes. For example,
// a route like:
// and a hash like:
window.location.hash = "#!todo/7";
// produces an appViewModel like:
appViewModel.serialize() //-> {route: "todo/{todoId}", todoId: "7"}
can-route-pushstate adds pushstate support. It mixes in this behavior so you just need to import the module:
var route = require("can-route");
Want to learn more?
If you haven’t already, check out the Guides page on how to learn CanJS. Specifically, you’ll want to check out the Chat Guide and TodoMVC Guide to learn the basics of using CanJS’s core libraries. After that, check out the Reading the Docs (API Guide) on how to use and learn from these API docs.