Subscribes to mocked server socket events to work as FeathersJS CRUD service.
server.onFeathersService(name, fixtureStore, [options])
Subscribes to mocked server socket events according to FeathersJS protocol. Uses fixture store [can-fixture.Store] as a resource storage.
var fixtureStore = fixture.store([
{id: 1, title: 'One'},
{id: 2, title: 'Two'},
{id: 3, title: 'Three'}
], new canSet.Algebra({}));
server.onFeathersService("messages", fixtureStore})
Instantiate fixture store by calling store and provide FeathersJS service name:
var fixtureStore = fixture.store([
{_id: 1, title: 'One'},
{_id: 2, title: 'Two'},
{_id: 3, title: 'Three'}
], new canSet.Algebra(canSet.props.id('_id')));
mockServer.onFeathersService('messages', fixtureStore, {id: "_id"});
This will emulate FeathersJS server CRUD service.
Now from Feathers client app you can do:
// Import dependencies:
var io = require("socket.io-client");
var feathers = require('feathers/client');
var feathersSocketio = require('feathers-socketio/client');
var hooks = require('feathers-hooks');
// Configure Feathers client app:
var socket = io("http://api.my-feathers-server.com");
var app = feathers()
// Create client Feathers service:
var messagesService = app.service('messages');
// Test:
assert.deepEqual(data, {id: 1, title: 'One'}, 'get should receive an item');