Generator typedef

A generator module should produce a function that takes the following shape. Generator modules are used to produce some form of documentation output. bit-docs-generate-html is the default and currently only generator packaged with bit-docs.

function(docMapPromise, options)


  1. docMapPromise {Promise<DocMap>}:

    A promise that will resolve with a map of all DocObject keyed by their name.

  2. options {options}:

    The options object passed to bit-docs/lib/generate/generate.



A module that resolves when the output has been built.


The following exports a generator function that builds a JSON output of the DocObject:

var Q = require('q'),
    fs = require('fs'),
    writeFile = Q.denodify(fs.writeFile),
    path = require('path');
module.exports = function(docMapPromise, options){
   return docMapPromise.then(function(docMap){
     return writeFile(
         JSON.stringify(docMap) );