DocType typedef

A string denoting the "type" of a DocObject.



Some examples values:

  • page
  • group
  • module
  • static
  • typedef
  • property
  • function
  • prototype

Knowing the DocTypes of DocObject might be useful in styling DocObject pages of the same type by using the DocType value to set class names on attributes in your .mustache templates, or you can use the DocType value in .mustache template helpers.

For instance, the page you're looking at right now was generated using a template that prints the DocObject "type" to the right of the page title.

That's the typedef in the "DocObject typedef" the you see at the top of this page.

Other pages print out different DocType "type" values, some from the list above.

For example, the DocType of bit-docs/lib/process/process is "module" and the .mustache template prints module in the title like "bit-docs/lib/process/process module".