bit-docs-js/bit-docs module

Register hooks to add tags, templates, and basic styles useful for documenting JavaScript.



  1. bitDocs {Object}:

    Configuration object with a register method.


Registers onto these hooks:

  • tags
  • processor
  • html


Registering the tags hook adds JavaScript-related tags:


Registering the processor hook adds a processor for *.js files that gets code comments in JavaScript, and processes tags like @function and @param into DocObjects that are subsequently added to the DocMap.

Comments above functions that do not include [bit-docs-js/types/tag]s will still be processed as [bit-docs-js/types/tagBlock]s as the processor extracts basic signature information such as parameters and/or return type from the CodeLine.


Registering the html hook adds a mustache template used to generate the HTML for the tags added by this plugin.