About the defaults page

Templates and styles come with the default theme.


Templates are used by bit-docs to generate the output of a website.

By default, bit-docs provides a very basic theme that consists of template files that are meant to be copied over to your project and/or a custom theme, and modified there as needed to suite your specific layout needs.

The default templates do not make any assumptions about the type of website you are trying to generate. If you are generating documentation, you will probably want to add things like function signatures to the output of the generated website. That can be done by adding the signature.mustache to bit-docs-generate-html/site/default/templates/content.mustache.

Other documentation that you might want to expose will come from the various DocObjects in the DocMap, and you will need to create your own mustache templates as well as helpers to support that.

Most users will be happy using the default output for documentation, and will primarily be editing the templates to add HTML markup for styling and structure purposes, in tandem with bit-docs-generate-html/site/default/static/styles/styles.less.

For any template files not copied over, the default template will be used.


Styles are used to modify the visual representation of a generated website.

By default, bit-docs provides a very basic theme that consists of styles that are meant to be copied over to your project and/or a custom theme, and modified there as needed to suit your specific design needs.

Any of these files can be copied over and modified as needed. For any less files not copied over, the default less file will be used.

Certain plugins provide their own less files for defining variables that are to be used in styling whatever they add, and will include your bit-docs-generate-html/site/default/static/styles/variables.less after their own so that you may override any less variables that you might wish to. A good example of this is bit-docs-prettify.