CanJS is an evolving and improving set of client side JavaScript architectural libraries that balances innovation and stability. It targets experienced developers building complex applications with long futures ahead of them.

If you’re new to the project, the best place to start is the About page, where you’ll find CanJS’s Mission and Technical Highlights. Then, go to the Guides page to find the Chat, TodoMVC, and ATM guides.
Getting Started
Get started with CanJS by following one of the tutorials below.
Missing Something?
Is there an itch that CanJS doesn’t scratch? Let us know on Gitter chat or the forums. We like contributions of all sorts. Read the Guides Contributing section for more details.
Love Something?
Let us know by giving us a star on GitHub and following on Twitter. If there’s a particular package you like, make sure to star that too. Check out the Evangelism Guide on how to help spread the word!