Tag typedef

Tags add information to the new DocObject created by bit-docs-process-tags/process-tags when processing a TagBlock.



About Tags

Tags are objects with callback functions, properties, and state that the bit-docs-process-tags processor is specially designed to handle.

The bit-docs-process-tags/process-tags processor allows Tags in a TagCollection to manipulate a ProcessTagsStack using ProcessTagsCommands.

Register a Tag

To register a Tag, you need to add to register on the tags hook (in your plugin bit-docs.js) an object naming your Tag and setting it to an object containing at least a Tag.add and an optional Tag.addMore method:

var tags = {
    "mytag": {
        addMore: function (line, last) { ... },
        add: function (line) { ... }

for(var name in tags) {
    tags[name].name = name;

bitDocs.register("tags", tags);